Bracelets RS9005 intelligent heart rate blood pressure
Quiet heart rate refers to the heart rate without motion state on an empty stomach. Quiet heart rate changes have significant differences. The newborn's heart rate is not determined generally faster, up to 130 times/min. Normal, healthy adult heart rate of 60-80 times/min. Athlete's quiet heart rate generally lower, normal range in 45-80 times/min, the excellent athletes quiet heart rate generally for 40 to 50 times/min, a single good endurance athletes heart rate can be up to 30 times/min.
Different sports athletes quiet heart rate also have different, general endurance project quiet heart rate is lower than the other project athletes athletes, training high level athletes quiet heart rate is low. Determine the athletes quiet heart rate, should choose their own quiet heart rate comparison before and after the sports practice. If through a period of time after the normal training of athletes quiet heart rate drops, athletes body function.
Address:North District,the NO.3 Building, Dapu South Road, Haoer Gangtou Industy Zone, Shajing, Baoan District, Shenzhen