
Classic flaw in the pace of running

發(fā)布時間 : 2021-07-12

Running a mountain is a classic way to show the shortcoming of the rhythm. Suppose you run at a flat ground at a speed of 9 miles an hour, and you are close to the hillside. When you run up the hillside, you are snubbing. Your running stopwatch shows that your speed has dropped to 11 minutes per minute. What's your footsteps to tell you?

Your footsteps inform you that you are snubbing speed. That's it. Your footsteps do not know that you are running a hill, because it measured only the moment and interval. Your footsteps only guess how long you need to run 1 miles at the present speed.

And more. In leveling the ground, 11 minutes / miles is more simple than 9:00 minutes / miles. But now you're running a hill and your stopwatch is showing you at 11 minutes per minute. Did your footsteps in this mountain reflect a more relaxed effort? Is it easier to run on this hill than to run in an apartment? Of course not! Running up the hill is more difficult than running on a flat ground!


Yes, it may be, unless the slow running up the hill slope on the runway ran faster in the body more simple. In this case, we really don't know that the speed on the wrist does not help. Your rhythm only shows your speed in real time. According to your experience, it is necessary for you to make a one-sided discrimination of your embodiment. the power meter can tell you what is more difficult by showing the actual job output.

Now let's assume that you climb up the top and run back to the other side. You speed up, and your speed is down to 7:00 / mph. What is your rhythm? It only indicates that it will cost you a mile at such a speed at 7:00.

Is it easier or more sad to climb up the hillside? We know it's easy, but your running stopwatch rhythms seem to show you that you're running faster, so you do your best to do your homework.

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